A simple text message buzzed into my phone. With the brief note came the news that we had been waiting for: my friends, Minnie and Gene, had finally become proud parents. Jakkarin Justin Moran definitely didn't want to get to his party late. In fact, he actually showed up early by a few weeks. But not to worry. Jakkarin in Thai language can be translated to mean The Great One and he showed his strength and determination that bestows his name and is a very happy and healthy baby.

I was so fortunate to have been in Bangkok when Justin made his trip back home with Minnie and Gene from the hospital. It didn't take long for Justin to become the rightful center of attention. Grandpa, Grandma, friends, and Uncles (Both biological and one not so biological from Singapore) began arriving to welcome Minnie and Gene's new bundle of joy. It was a lot of activity for a little guy but he took it in stride and brought smiles to the faces of everyone he encountered.

Minnie may have started to feel out numbered by having three guys in the house. Gene and I were already envisioning how popular little Justin will someday be with the ladies, given his good looks. If he is anything like his mom, he will be a tireless and tender provider. Minnie has shown a reserve of energy I thought was only available to superheros in her efforts to take care of Justin. She has to wake up every three hours, around the clock, to take care, feed, change, and bathe the little Great One. Gene is getting into the act by
helping with the feeding and changing, but there are just some tasks that he is not biologically equipped to handle. But that doesn't stop his endless beaming and sense of pride that I see in him as he either interacts with Justin or simply talks about him in passing conversation. Daddy-hood, although unfamiliar and challenging, seems to be very well suited for Gene.
Minnie is chronicling Justin's milestones through photos and video on her website. Check it out to see how the new Thai Trio is doing:
What a handsome little guy... Congrats to Gene and Minnie!
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