Perpetual Motion
A shark must constantly keep swimming or it will drown. I honestly think all of us are in that same catch 22 as the shark. We have to keep moving or we will cease to exist. Things in my life are seemingly in constant motion. Whether it be business travel, or friends dropping by for a visit, or celebrating milestones of life with those we care about. I don't think I would have it any other way. This state of motion keeps life interesting and dynamic.
Those of you who read this blog (and I hope there are a few of you still out there) probably remember my friend Keith from our times together in Munich, Germany. We also usually get to catch up during our annual sales and marketing conference held annually in the US. But recently, Keith paid his first ever visit to Asia and I couldn't wait to be his host.

Keith and I went on to Hong Kong to spend the weekend. Hong Kong was having their annual Rugby Seven's Tournament, which is the biggest international rugby event on the Asian continent. But you can imagine that two blokes from the US probably weren't that keen on rugby. The reality was that the Seven's Tournament turns the whole city into a festive spirit for the entire weekend, similar to Mardi Gras or Carnival. The streets in the evening, especially along Lan Kwai Fong, were a wash with westerners from Australia and the UK. You don't normally need to give these folks excuses to drink, but the Seven's Tournament is a pretty good excuse if that.
Now I normally don't gloat when it comes to business trips. Asia is full of big cities with sometimes stifling heat, confusing airports, and taxi drivers who love to share their anguish rather than finding your destination. But on some rare occasions, I really get to go to a nice relaxing and out-of-the-way destination. A few weeks ago, I departed Beijing for a direct flight to the southern Chinese island of Hainan.

Blogs have received the reputation for getting news out to the masses faster than traditional main-stream media. So in keeping with that tradition, my Blog has the exclusive scoop on a new arrival.

So as you can see, change is constant. We deal with this change in our own ways, but I think most of us thrive on it. And sometimes, that change brings a new life into the world; which causes us all to stop for just a few precious moments and focus on what is truly important.