Merry Christmas To All

Christmas is here! You can't say that you weren't warned. Some malls in Singapore had their Christmas decorations up before Halloween. Hopefully you've all managed to complete Santa's list for those very special people who brighten our lives on a regular basis.
Christmas has always been full of wonder and magic, but mostly it has been a time of togetherness. Though it can be stressful to journey far and wide to come back to those that really matter, the effort of getting there melts away when you see the delight on the faces of those you have not gazed upon in some time. Due to flight delays and missed connections, it took me over 28 hours to get back home to Portland from Singapore. Now that I am here with family and friends those 28 hours were nothing more than an investment that is now paying off ten fold.
The magic comes from the unexpected surprises that always seem to arise during this time of year. Such it is with the early arrival of Mr. Alexander Taylor-Williams, the new first born child of my friends Jonathan and Nicole. I guess the little guy didn't want to miss out on his first ever Christmas and who could blame him. This will surely make the Taylor-Williams household a magical place this holiday season and for many more to come.
Now the wonder of the season can often be found in many ways. For example: I wonder if I will ever step inside a shopping mall again, I wonder how I am going to eat that slice of pumpkin pie when I am already stuffed, I wonder if Notre Dame will stop playing football after this season's dismantling in the Insight Bowl from the Oregon State Beavers, I wonder if political correctness has run its course and we can once again celebrate and call Christmas by its true name without fear of offending the sensibilities and feelings of hyper-sensitive secular wet-blankets, I wonder if it will snow on Christmas Day (sorry my SE Asian friends -- if it happens where you are, we are all in trouble), I wonder if I will have the time to catch up with all my friends while I am back home in Oregon, I wonder if I can hit "shift-delete" on all my emails that I received while I was on vacation and have no one notice, I wonder if anyone reads my blog anymore, I wonder if I could bottle up the wonderful scent of a freshly-cut Christmas Tree and bring it back to my apartment in Singapore, I wonder what I will be doing on New Years, I wonder what 2005 might look like, I wonder... oh, how I wonder.
Wonder, magic, and togetherness. No Christmas is complete for me without them. I do hope that each and everyone of you reading this entry, and to all my friends and acquaintances from around the world, have a very Merry Christmas. And regardless of faith, ethnicity, nationality, or background... try your best to experience a little wonder, magic, and togetherness this time of year. Guarantee it will make you smile.
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!
Merry Christmas, Fos, and welcome home.
Merry Christmas Yankee..... I hope that this Christmas is magical for you and you enjoy your time home with friends and family. Hugz n Stuff from across the pond, missing you as always, Miss N xx
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