Seductive Sydney

Sydney Harbor Bridge, Skyline, & Opera House
Arrived in Sydney, Australia, on Monday morning at 5:30AM after taking the "red eye" from Singapore on Sunday evening. Expected to get some solid sleep on the plane during the 7 hour trip, but got caught up in the movie, Passions of the Christ. Only slept about an hour the entire way.
People had warned me that I would freeze my butt off in Sydney, since it is currently their Winter in the southern hemisphere, and since I had probably become use to the warm tropical climate of Singapore. In actuality, when I landed the cool crispness of the air felt refreshing to me. Reminiscent of clean crisp Fall mornings back in Oregon. It felt good to go outside and not sweat for a change. I think this change in climate will do me good.
Arrived at the hotel, located right on Darling Harbor, at about 6AM. Because it was so early there was not a room yet available, but the capable staff assured me that they would quickly prepare one and asked if I would take a seat in the lobby. Because I had not got much sleep that night, I completely dozed off on the couch in the lobby and was only awakened when the reservation agent informed me that my room was now ready. He half-way apologized when he said that the only room they had available this morning was an Executive Suite. Ah, shucks... I guess I'll have to suffer and take that one.
My meetings on Monday were beneficial and successful. I think my Aussie Teammates are some of the finest I've worked with thus far. I hope to make Australia one of the shining examples of success for my programs.
Monday evening, I took a night time stroll around Darling Harbor, which is a collection of shops, restaurants, and attractions set along the water. You can take a bridge or even a mono-rail across to the harbor area. Seafood is plentiful here and one can enjoy their fresh catch at one of the many outdoor cafes, which at this time of year are heated with gas heat-lamps to keep patrons toasty.
Its been three years since I was in Sydney, but once I arrived all the reasons that attracted me to this beautiful city came rushing back. It is near impossible to find a bad view of the city, as it has one of the most scenic harbor fronts in the world. Taking the Harbor Bridge into the office each day, I can gaze down at the famous Opera House, the city skyline, and the rest of the harbor way as it stretches towards the open sea. The temperature has been perfect, especially for the end of their Winter, at around 58-60 degrees.
I was asked not too long ago by someone what my favorite city was outside of my hometown. At the time, I could not think of an answer. Several continents, an array of countries, yet I couldn't answer the question. After arriving back in Sydney, I now believe that I have my answer.
Thanks Matt! You and Janet need to come "down under" and check this place out. I have taken some more photos today and will add to the collection over the weekend. Check back into the blog soon to see the latest updates.
What a world traveler; You're the envy of us all! Just wanted to post a quick comment, so you'd know I'm reading your blog and living vicariously through you... Keep 'em coming. :) - Keiko
Keiko, Its good to know that you are checking into the Blog. Hope you have found the entries and photos interesting. It is so hard to leave Sydney today, after such a great time. Will make me work just that much harder so that I can come back again. Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying another great summer in your new home!
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